Club Ride: Lower Perkiomen Trail with Lunch

Reaching out to our Delaware Valley Trike Riders’ Club members from our more “western” regions, I would like to invite you to join our next club ride on Saturday, July 18, 2015 (starting at 10:30 AM, sharp). Beginning in Lower Perkiomen Valley Park, we will follow the Perkiomen Trail north to Schwenksville where we will take a break to stretch and grab a quick slice at Ortino’s Restaurant before turning around and heading back.

Note: If there is interest in joining this ride on a future Sunday, please let me know and we will add it to our schedule.

Please Register your intent to ride via email, phone or a comment to this post, by 8:00 PM, Thursday, July 16, 2015. This is a fair-weather event and trail conditions may be affected by heavy rain within 24 hours prior to ride. Please include your phone number with your registration (it will remain protected). If Ride Is Canceled, I will call you, or text you if you prefer, between 6:00 and 6:30 AM on the day of the ride (sooner if conditions are clearly dreadful).

Key Points:
Arrive early – After a brief introduction the Ride Starts at 10:30 AM, sharp, Saturday, July 18, 2015. This is about a 22 mile round trip, and is mostly flat. Average speed: 11 MPH (faster speeds possible when on paved surfaces). The Perkiomen Trail provides mixed surfaces, crosses a few small roads and provides several miles of tree-shaded travel following the stream. No one left behind and we will stop for breakdowns. Restroom opportunities are available at our start and turnaround points as well as in Collegeville. Ortino’s is a well regarded Italian Food and Pizza shop that is located about 50 feet from the trail. A picnic style lunch is also possible on the shaded, nearby trail.

Please bring a lock and cable for a group lock-up during lunch. Also, please familiarize yourself with Preparation Guidelines and Rules for Club Rides. Trip Sheet and Map are available (but you likely won’t need it for this ride).

Cautionary Note:
This is a summer season ride so please prepare for yourself accordingly: adequate hydration, snacks, and protection from the sun.

Lower Perkiomen Valley Park: 40.131151, -75.446247
Ortino’s Restaurant in Schwenksville: 40.260804, -75.464627

As always, all members are encouraged to lead a ride on your favorite trail, or if you are looking for some company to test yourself on a challenging route, there are Delaware Valley Trike Riders ready to join you!

I look forward to riding with you soon!
Wayne K

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